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WORMS: Vermiculture

Vermiculture is the process cultivation (growing) worms. It is a kind of “worm farming”  with the goal of using worms to decompose (break down into parts) organic food waste, turning the waste into worm poop that can be used t0 supply the nutrients needed to grow strong and healthy plants. They work as your personal gardener. Besides making organic fertilizer, these little guys help rid your soil of disease and pests. [/vc_column_text][vcex_spacing][vc_column_text]

LOOK-100 To learn more about worm boxes and making worm compost, click here.

Each year students at Concordia Elementary School in San Clemente, CA build a new class bin
Each year students at Concordia Elementary School in San Clemente, CA build a new class bin


Worms Are Pretty Amazing


  1. When earthworms tunnel through the ground they bring air into the soil. This allows plant roots to grow more easily.
  2. Earthworms will eat almost anything that was once living but is now dead.
  3. If a worm is cut in half, only the part of the body that has the head will live.
  4. More than 3,000 species of earthworm exist in the world.
  5. A worm is a “hermaphrodite” since it has both male and female reproductive organs.
  6. Worms cannot hear
  7. Worms cannot see but that doesn’t stop them.
  8. Worms can have between 1 and 5 pairs of hearts.
  9. The earthworm does not have lungs and instead uses its skin to breathe.
  10. Worms are cold-blooded and their body is made up of 80% water.
  11. Worms typically live for about 3-4 years, however, there have been some cases where they have lived for 15 years.
  12. Worms help our environment. Worms are Mother Nature’s composters. The right worm in the right place can be of great help, especially to gardeners.

trafficlight_GOTo learn more about worms, check out the Illinois Extension website


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A Worm


From Visually.

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